Calculate your Car's Carbon Impact
Based on EPA and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Values
Trip Carbon Footprint Calculator for Gasoline Engine
Miles Driven Trip MPG Average
Trip Carbon Impact
lbs. of CO2
lbs. of CO2
Total Trip Emission:
lbs. of CO2
How many times do you drive like this per month?
Estimated Annual Emission:
Tons of CO2

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

NewOil Tested by VW, Audi and Porsche in Germany

This is the latest breaking news about NewOil engine treatment.

Word from the inventor who just arrived from his trip to Europe is that Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche was able to test NewOil. They had their test equipments and test vehicles to log data.

And the results were favorable! Mileage gains were also revealed.

However, there are no available certifications as of press time.

What we have are testimony coming from straight from the horses mouth.

Video footages or certifications will be posted as they come available.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Truth about WD-40

This was forwarded to me by email, and I thought it is worth sharing. Disclaimer: the opinion stated below is not my opinion and I may not share entirely the same.


Before you read to the end, does anybody know what the main ingredient of WD-40 is? Don't lie and don't cheat.

WD-40. Who knew?

I had a neighbor who had bought a new pickup. I got up very early one Sunday morning and saw that someone had spray painted red all around the sides of this beige truck (for some unknown reason). I went over, woke him up, and told him the bad news. He was very upset and was trying to figure out what to do probably nothing until Monday morning, since nothing was open.

Another neighbor came out and told him to get his WD-40 and clean it off. It removed the unwanted paint beautifully and did not harm his paint job that was on the truck. I'm impressed! WD-40 who knew? 'Water Displacement #40' The product began from a search for a rust preventative solvent and degreaser to protect missile parts.

WD-40 was created in 1953 by three technicians at the San Diego Rocket Chemical Company. Its name comes from the project that was to find a 'water displacement' compound.. They were successful with the fortieth formulation, thus WD-40.. The Convair Company bought it in bulk to protect their atlas missile parts.

Ken East (one of the original founders) says there is nothing in WD-40 that would hurt you. When you read the 'shower door' part, try it. It's the first thing that has ever cleaned that spotty shower door. If yours is plastic, it works just as well as glass. It's a miracle! Then try it on your stove top ... Viola! It's now shinier than it's ever been. You'll be amazed.

Here are some other uses:

1. Protects silver from tarnishing.
2. Removes road tar and grime from cars.
3.. Cleans and lubricates guitar strings.
4. Gives floors that 'just-waxed' sheen without making them slippery.
5. Keeps flies off cows.
6. Restores and cleans chalkboards.
7. Removes lipstick stains.
8. Loosens stubborn zippers.
9. Untangles jewelry chains.
10. Removes stains from stainless steel sinks.
11. Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill.
12. Keeps ceramic/terra cotta garden pots from oxidizing.
13. Removes tomato stains from clothing.
14. Keeps glass shower doors free of water spots.
15. Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors.
16. Keeps scissors working smoothly.
17. Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors in homes.
18. It removes black scuff marks from t he kitchen floor! Use WD-40 for those nasty tar and scuff marks on flooring. It doesn't seem to harm the finish and you won't have to scrub nearly as hard to get them off. Just remember to open some windows if you have a lot of marks.
19. Bug guts will eat away the finish on your car if not removed quickly! Use WD-40!
20. Gives a children's playground gym slide a shine for a super fast slide.
21. Lubricates gear shift and mower deck lever for ease of handling
on riding mowers.
22. Rids kids rocking chairs and swings of squeaky noises.
23. Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them easier to open.
24. Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close.
25. Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards in vehicles, as well as vinyl bumpers.
26. Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles.
27. Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans.
28. Lubricates wheel sprockets on tricycles, wagons, and bicycles for
easy handling.
29. Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers and keeps them running smoothly.
30. Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other tools.
31.. Removes splattered grease on stove.
32. Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging.
33. Lubricates prosthetic limbs.
34. Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell).
35. Removes all traces of duct tape.
36. Folks even spray it on their arms, hands, and knees to relieve arthritis pain.
37. Florida 's favorite use is: 'cleans and removes love bugs from grills and bumpers.'
38. The favorite use in the state of New York , WD-40 protects the Statue of Liberty from the elements.
39. WD-40 attracts fish. Spray a little on live bait or lures and you will be catching the big one in no time. Also, it's a lot cheaper than the chemical attractants that are made for just that purpose. Keep in mind though, using some chemical laced baits or lures for fishing are not allowed in some states.
40. Use it for fire ant bites. It takes the sting away immediately
and stops the itch.
41. WD-40 is great for removing crayon from walls. Spray on the mark and wipe with a clean rag.
42. Also, if you've discovered that your teenage daughter has washed and dried a tube of lipstick with a load of laundry, saturate the lipstick spots with WD-40 and rewash.. Presto! The lipstick is gone!
43. If you sprayed WD-40 on the distributor cap, it would displace the moisture and allow the car to start.

P. S. The basic ingredient is FISH OIL. -

Although WD-40 is quite useful and convenient, it cannot be used as a rust proofing alternative, it will still breakdown much faster. NewOil can outperform the said benefits with a much higher potency.

Monday, May 11, 2009

NewOil New Promo SRP

P1,250 = 130 ml.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

NewOiled Purple Bug doing 0 to 120 kph sprint!

This is a short accaeleration run of the hydrogen enhanced purple bug treated with NewOil.

Listen to the smooth engine sound in spite of the leaky rusty exhaust manifold...

And see how fast this under carbed bug goes... yes it's undercarbed. The Carb is from a 1200cc engine and the jets are reduced to the smallest available size for economy.

Enjoy it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Everything you need to know about Automotive Oils

This article came from a Toyota forum from a guy named 'Guy', you must all know about it.

What does API GL mean?

API stands for American Petroleum Industry and GL stands for Gear Lubricant, see below for their definitions:

API GL-1 Straight mineral oil
API GL-2 Mild EP for worm gears
API GL-3 Mild EP for spur and spiral bevel gears in axles and transmissions
API GL-4 Medium EP, MIL-L-2105 quality, moderate severity hypoid gears, manual transmissions
API GL-5 High EP, MIL-L-2105D quality, all hypoid axles, some manual transmissions
API GL-6 Extra high EP, now obsolete

Is it important to select the right API GL rating?

Yes. Selecting the correct gear oil performance level will provide the best protection to the components of the transmission.

What do the SAE grades mean?

SAE stands for the Society of Automotive Engineers. The SAE classification system is a way of defining how thin or how thick an oil is. This is known as an oil’s viscosity. The classifications are listed here in order of increasing thickness: SAE 75W, SAE 80W, SAE 85W, SAE 90, SAE 140, SAE 250.

What does EP mean?

EP means extreme pressure and refers to the additive used in gear oils. This additive is designed to stop metal-to-metal contact taking place between transmission components. The EP additives are usually based on sulphur and phosphorous. These elements bond to the metal surfaces where there are points of extreme pressure and temperature, forming a sacrificial chemical layer. The sulphur gives gear oils their characteristic smell.

Will synthetic gear oils and mineral gear oils mix together?

Yes, but beware that there two kinds of synthetic gear available: polyalphaolefin (PAO) based and polyalkylene glycol (PAG) based. PAOs are basically a man made version of mineral oils (although with greatly improved properties) and can therefore be mixed with mineral oils. In fact, semi-synthetic products have mineral and synthetic base fluids in them, so obviously, they must be able to mix. PAGs, on the other hand, will not mix with PAOs or mineral oil. Utmost care must be taken when using this kind of product.
What is a hypoid axle?

Hypoid is an abbreviation for hypocycloidal and relates to the geometry of the crown wheel and pinion arrangement usually on rear wheel drive cars. The pinion is usually highly offset to reduce propshaft intrusion into the passenger compartment.

Do I need a special oil for limited slip differentials?

Yes. When the power distribution between two drive shafts is no longer equal (usually due to the surface condition that the drive wheels are turning on, i.e. ice, mud), limited slip differentials are able to effectively lock the two half shafts, ensuring equal power distribution once again. When this limited slip differential mechanism ‘kicks in’ there is a high shock loading on the clutch mechanism that requires protection from wear and slippage. Use of the incorrect oil can lead to clutch degradation and vibration.

Why should I choose non-EP straight oils for my classic car?

Depending on the age, make and model non-EP gear oils may be required for use in gearboxes and final drives. Certain designs contained a lot of phosphor-bronze (copper containing) components that are sensitive particularly to the sulphur extreme pressure (EP) additive. The sulphur attacks the copper and destroys the integrity of the meshing gear surfaces.

Is it alright to use ATF in a manual gearbox?

Certain designs do specify the use of an ATF in manual gearboxes, but they should only be used where it is clearly stated by the manufacturer.

Is there one gear oil that will meet all my requirements?

This will depend on makes and models, but very often the answer is no. Gearboxes, final drives, transfer boxes, etc., all have their own specific lubrication requirements. The specification of the oil required will be outlined by the design engineers, who will determine which type of oil will provide the maximum protection to the transmission components. It may certainly be possible to rationalise and reduce the number of lubricants used, but the magical
single product may not be achievable.

What is the difference between a gear oil, an atf and an mtf and why are they sometimes interchangeable?

There is a fair amount of common ground, all do a basically similar job, an ATF could be regarded as a low viscosity gear oil with more precisely controlled frictional properties.
What is an MTF and why is it used instead of a gear oil?

MTF ( manual transmission fluid ) is a term preferred by some OEMs, perhaps they think it's more descriptive than "gear oil". It doesn't call up any particular performance or viscosity. For example a Volvo MTF will not be the same as a Honda MTF.

How do gear oil, atf and mtf viscosities relate to engine oil viscosities?

Gear oils and engine oils are classified by 2 different viscosity grading systems. A 75W-90 gear oil, for example, is about the same viscosity as a 10W-40 engine oil. In theory ATFs and MTFs can be any viscosity as required by the OEM. In practice ATFs are approx. the same viscosity as a SAE 10 engine oil or a ISO 32 hydraulic oil. MTFs are about the same, possibly slightly thicker.*

What is a 75w gear oil as this is only a cold crank rating isn’t it?
The target here is 4.1 cSt minimum @ 100 deg. C + the low temp target. If the gear oil in question is, for example, a 75W-80 it must meet both specs which is effectively the 75W low temp + the high temp targets of both specs.; 4.1 cSt minimum for the SAE 75W and 7.0 - 11.0 cSt for the SAE 80. You can see that the SAE 80 target " overlays" the SAE 75W target so expect the KV 100 of a 75W-80 to be about 9 cSt.

Can one gear oil cover a number of viscosities like 75w-90, 80w-90 and 90 and why?

Yes it can, the viscosity grades are not mutually exclusive, it is possible to blend a gear oil with multigrade characteristics such that it falls within, for example, the SAE 75W and the SAE 90 viscosity bands. A mulitgrade oil ( gear or otherwise ) is simply an oil which falls into more than one viscosity grade.

Why do some synthetic gear oils cause poor shifting in older or high mileage boxes?

If this really happens it can be that the generally lower viscosity of a synthetic gear oil may not suit an older or worn box.

Can engine oils be used in gearboxes if they are the right viscosity and are there advantages to using them?

Engine oils can be used in certain gearboxes, in the past it was the norm to do just that. Modern engine oils can be expected to attain the baseline API GL4 performance required for gear protection. Viscosity is not likely to be an issue, the viscosity of a 10W-40 engine oil, for instance, approximates to a 75W-90 in gear oil terms. The gear oil viscosity grade system uses bigger numbers than the engine oil system but that doesn't mean the oils are thicker.

The advantages?*The detergency and antiwear systems in engine oils may cope with excessive "competition" temperatures better.* Engine oils are intended for a shorter service life than gear oils so one point to be aware of is the viscosity modifiers used in multigrade engine oils may not be as shear stable as true gear oil VM’s so a bigger viscosity drop in service is possible. If you are considering this, use a top quality shear stable engine oil, or talk to us first.

Are filled for life gear oils a gimmick and are they in the long term bad for your gearbox?

I wouldn't say they are a gimmick but they do assume "normal" service conditions. Having a modified engine putting more power through the box & competition conditions don't lend themselves to gentle gear changes so you may see higher wear rates and more wear debris in circulation. It's logical to change the oil periodically if only to flush out the wear debris.

Of course the discerning owner may wish to change the oil occcasionally even if the service conditions are considered to be less severe.

This may raise more questions than it answers but hopefully it is of use to some of you.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Interviewing the owners of the Cavite Green Bug

This interview was made yesterday April 10, 2009, just over 7 years after this little green beast was treated when it was entered into a slalom race in 2002.

I realized that a normal engine without treatment has so much suppressed energy potential waiting to be released somehow.

NewOil makes this energy release possible. At least 20% improvement in performance can be freed up with the removal of friction as well as the sealing of the rings.

NewOil is partner of the Save the Planet Movement.

Cavite Green Bug Revisited 1

This is the Cavite Green Bug driven by Phillip Lazatin in many races since 2002 where it was first treated with NewOil.

This is the first time we checked for it's health... after 7 years of torture - this engine is still alive and kicking!

It's a stock 1200cc engine capable of reaching 140kph top speeds anytime at will of the driver.

Daily Driven, and most of the time street raced... just the way any Newoil treated engine wants to be treated.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Smoke Buster strikes again!

Here's another nice video of Newoil in action.

Newoil is indeed a friend of the earth.

NewOil According to Mr. X

Here's the actual testimony of Mr. X upon testing NewOil.


Nag flame testing kami ng newoil kagabi. (We flame tested NewOil last night)
We found out mataas ang heat resistance nito at kung away from flame it will
go back right away to its usual viscosity unlike the ordinary oil na hindi na
makabalik pa. (We found out that it has a very high flame resistance, but the moment you move it away from the flame source, it goes back to its original viscousity, unlike other ordinary oil which can not)

Ang ordinary diesel oil will boil within three seconds but with a tiny drop of
neooil, mag improve ang quality ng ordinary oil at tataas na ang heat
resistance nito. (Diesel oil normally boils within 3 seconds but when treated with NewOil it increases its heat resistance). We've also noticed newoil dissolves carbon deposits and we now understand why it is a smoke buster! :)

Next week, mag start kami mag distribute ng newoil specially to those na
sobrang usok (strong smoke belchers) na ang makina. This newoil is one of the best solution to reduce pollution.

Regarding sa shipping, we have to use our own box and not that of 2GO box next
time para mas cheaper. Mag order pa kami next time and yes by the gallon na
para mas sulit sa shipping. Charge to experience nalang muna ang first
shipment. :)


MSDS and more precision testing will follow soon. Please stay tuned!

NewOil Smoke Buster - The Crazy Oil

Here's a very good video presentation on one Diesel SUV treated with NewOil...

This Nissan Patrol will not be allowed to run the streets like this... but not after the NewOil treatment.

The proof is inside the engine.

Stay tuned for more videos...and Dyno Tests.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

NewOil... New Approach

For quite some time, we have cooled down a bit in pushing this product due to a number of reasons. Lately, incidents happened that made us realize we should push it more for these times.

We never tried shipping this oil outside the Philippines or Luzon for that matter. It was only last month that we tried accommodating an order from the southern part of Philippines that we made an attempt to ship it by air.

We found out an MSDS (Materials Safety Data Sheet) is required by the forwarding company and we dont have this. The inventor (innovator is more appropriate) is not too comfortable in disclosing his formula or ingredients, making it nearly imposible for this product to take off as a commercially viable item since disclosure is part ad parcel of the protocol to become commercialized due to patent requirements. Yes, this product, no matter how old it is, is still unpatented. I personally dont believe in patenting products here in Philippines... this is just my personal opinion, it may not necessarily be correct. After knowing a few people in the 'in' crowd, I am beginning to realize the need to patent. It is really, no big deal. But of course, it can be costly and time consuming. TO add: No forwarding companies anymore are allowed to ship any liquid matter by air since this was banned by all the airline companies, making the MSDS requirement insignificant.

At any rate, the MSDS is not required if you are going to ship it by sea. So we did. Now that there is a precedent to ship it by sea, NewOil is now available and orders are now accepted.

Shipping by sea will take time and ordering smaller volume is not very practical. I suggest 1 Gallon... Packaging will be 1 Gallon Plastic Container. We can also include the small 160ml. bottles should you require.

This item is a must for old and even new engines... it is also a must for Hydrogen Enhanced or Assisted Fuel Systems.

For inquiries... just email me:

Sunday, March 1, 2009

How to treat your engine with NewOil?

NewOil is a technology breakthrough metal treatment oil that is also applied in a very convenient manner. Immediate results are guaranteed the moment you apply this product. Personally, I can only say it's one of the products I am amazed with for more than 10 years.

They don't call this the world's fastest instant tune up for nothing.

The NewOil treatment In 2 Easy Steps!






(based on 1500cc below engine size)

Preventive Maintenance




6 to 12 hours

few minutes

Work Guarantee

6 months only

1 year

Place of Tune-up

Limited to shop only


Service Warrantee

1 back-job only

Satisfaction Guaranteed!




4 Spark Plug



Contact Point






Motor Oil









NewOil Treatment








Engine Size

Treatment Cost

125 cc


250 cc


500 cc


750 cc


800 cc to 1000 cc


1100 cc to 1500 cc


1600 cc to 1900 cc


2000 cc to 2500 cc


2600 cc to 3000 cc


3000 cc and above


Prices are subject to change without prior notice